小植坊想祝愿大家在这个充满恩典的时代,愿圣诞之光照亮你生命中的每一天。 愿阳光和鲜花充满你的生命旅程。 无论你的信仰如何…

有一位创造天地的主 .. .


約翰 12:46


Life In 6 Words: The G.O.S.P.E.L.

GOD created us to be with him.—Genesis 1-2
OUR sin separates us from God.—Genesis 3
SINS cannot be removed by good deeds.—Genesis 4-Malachi 4
PAYING the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.—Matthew-Luke
EVERYONE who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.—John
LIFE with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.—Acts-Revelation

Looking Back At All The Years Past Moments In December What Do you Remember? Can You Hold The Gifts Of Christmas In Your Hands? Do You Cherish All The Memories? Laughing With Your Loved Ones Sharing Joy With Someone Do you Hold the gift of Christmas In Your Hands?